Friday, December 6, 2019

San Antonio Day One End and Start of Day Two:

         We left off when the flight was delayed which is the perfect timing to make friends (my airport buddies can attest I have no problem with breaking the ice). I spent about an hour talking to a wonderful individual whom happens to be the director of a phlebotomy department at a major hospital in Denver. Come to find out their brother and they went to CSU back in the 70s (not a surprise). The real surprise is as we talk I mention my passion for Craig and they state they are very familiar, their sibling was in an accident during their time at CSU and makes annual visits to Craig still!!! Even crazier, the sibling was an RA at CSU and no surpise, CSU made a non ADA building ADA to make that a reality. After our talk I made the promise to look into the PA program at Rocky Vista. I still feel like I don’t know what I am doing next year let alone 10 years from now even though I declared I would go to nursing school. And that’s okay, the beauty of this journey is taking the exits that I choose to and following the roads I want to follow.
                The flight was pretty boring, I met a family with kiddos with severe food allergies and we bonded (surprise surprise). Than I made my way off the plane and to my wonderful rental car. I was tempted to pick the VW Tiguan but I drive that everyday so I am in an equinox. A short 15 minute drive to my cute Airbnb that is quite the set up! So peaceful, I have my own room in a large house that is accommodated for around 8 airbnb rooms, all individually booked it looks like. Anxiety was high so I pumped up the tires in the racer and hit the road for 20 minutes. After quick shake out run, I called a few of my favorite people including Dr. Pastor Russ Brown. I couldn’t have been happier to share the progress I have made, but also mention the hesitations I have this weekend. The name of the game is “margin for error” as my dad would say. Making choices for the long term and no “screw it, I want to do it” decisions.
With that in mind I called my other fav, Sam, and we prepped for my short 4 minute set at the Blind Tiger (shout out to Jay Whitecotton for letting me  on his amazing showcase)! I stuck around through half the showcase but had to go to head off for breathing treatments and bed time. I loved the room at the Blind Tiger, and am so very proud of my growth as a comic! If you want a see a glimpse shoot me a message and I’ll send you a clip. For now I am wrapping up my nebulizer treatments and am rocking a solid 350 (perfect score for my breathing test without treatments so I’m doing great managing). Hives are moderate and come and go so we’ll stay on top of the benedryl and hit the ice packs hard post race. Goodnight from San Antonio, in the green room! (literally bahaha)

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